At the Yebes Observatory (IGN)
Part of my work consists on supporting the Yebes-40m radiotelescope, as part of the Yebes Observatory staff. The 40m radio telescope at the Yebes Observatory belongs to the National Geographic Institute (IGN), and is located about 50km east of Madrid. This single-dish telescope is mainly used in centimeter and millimeter wavelengths for observations of molecules in circumstellar envelopes, Galactic and extragalactic ISM as well as for astronomical and geodetic VLBI observations.
As astronomers on duty (AoD), we are in charge of carrying out the observations and analyze and prepare the observation data and history for the principal investigators (PIs) on each science project. In particular, some of my tasks are:
- Carring out observations for the Yebes-40m telescope projects in service mode
- Developing observing scripts, data reduction and analysis pipelines
- Maintaining the online time/sensitivity observing estimator
- Keeping track and maintaining a database for papers using Yebes-40m data